A House Cleaner’s Gratitude

One of our company’s first core values we all agreed on was “Grateful” – for us individually and collectively to be grateful to our clients, our vendors, our production staff and our office staff. I recently read a well-written blog on how yoga had brought the writer to a condition she expressed as greater humility and grace. By releasing her tension and resistance to certain positions and motions, she found she could deepen the pose and improve her efforts by seeking humility and accepting grace. Within a day of my reading that post, we received extra grace from a customer.

As happens every summer, clients have to cancel one or more cleanings as part of going on vacation. We try to explore extra opportunities with those who are open to them, such as running a house check (A-C settings, watering plants, signs of water damage after heavy rains) or offering extra services in their absence like re-coating their polyurethane floors or cleaning out the refrigerator or some cabinets. Most clients do not accept these suggestions for a variety of reasons.

One customer called for a vacation cancellation, but had additional concerns. Taking the road less travelled, she mentioned that a) she hated disrupting the team’s schedule (a very unusual and empathetic comment) and b) she worried they would be losing income. She went on to offer to schedule an EXTRA clean on her ‘off’ week to help compensate for their loss.

Any client who even considers such concerns and solutions such as these simply touches our hearts—leaving us a little humbler. Would I personally, if the situation were reversed, be that considerate or would I just figure “the company has to deal with that, not me”? She also left us feeling blessed – blessed by a client who clearly sees the human beings behind the aprons, the single parents (as well as couples) who are struggling to feed their own kids. Our cleaning teams in turn have put charity into action as they helped collect food for the local Table program, one that supports kids missing their school lunches in the summertime. The richest and the poorest among us have a conscience and want to share what they perceive as their own blessings. Thank God for grateful people.

From: one GRATEFUL house cleaning company – Town & Country Cleaning Services

Our Company’s core values are to be Capable, Caring, Co-operative, Grateful, Positive, and Trustworthy and to pursue Excellence and Learning.