Cleaning Responsibly and Plastic Pollution

From the very beginning, our small, local house cleaning service, Town & Country Cleaning Services has been concerned with responsible cleaning, about cleaning and the environment, both on a micro- and a macro-environmental level.  We were aware of the need for guarding indoor air, landfills and our waterways from toxic materials.  This meant our choices of cleaning solutions and the disposing of them after use was worth careful consideration. Cleaning our very first house, we used products from Amway, one of the first companies to market both biodegradable and highly concentrated cleaning solutions.  We knew that transporting all that water in ready-to-use bottles was a tremendous ecological burden.

What we didn’t know at the time was how much of the plastic generated in every walk of life was ending up in bodies of water and ultimately in huge oceanic gyres. The plastic bits in these gyres continue to circle endlessly, as one writer put it – like a toilet that never flushes. Her article on ocean plastic spurred me to share both the article along with our concern about the well-being of our planet.

Cleaning the Ocean – a Major Undertaking

In 2014, then17-year-old Dutchman Boyan Slat, founded the Ocean Cleanup Foundation. He now serves as its CEO at the ripe old age of 20. He and others supported the foundation via crowd-funding, which then worked with the Dutch Government and the marine construction company Royal Boskalis Westminster to perform a feasibility study, and the group has just placed a prototype off the coast of The Netherlands for a one-year trial.

If successful, they may be able to remove tons upon tons of troublesome plastic without harming fish. Their aim? In addition to cleaning up the ocean gyres, their goal is an affordable solution to the problem and to prevent untold damage to surrounding ecosystems in this part of the ocean. Slat has a Ocean Clean-up video (in addition to his viral TedX Video) which should be seen by everyone, but especially by young people who think that one person cannot move the world in a better direction. Industry, robots, I-A, technology – like all tools, can be used for good or for evil. Mindfulness can give us the push we need to take responsibility for moving in better directions.

Cleaning your house – Major or Minor undertaking? WE CAN DO IT

In our small way, Town & Country Cleaning Services helps improve your own ecosystem.

Family Cleaning

Family Cleaning – Enjoy it or Out-Source it?

That includes your home, your indoor air quality and your quality of life.  Best of all, we give you back precious minutes and hours you would otherwise spend on cleaning it yourself.  Life is precious – enjoy every moment doing what you choose to do. You can enjoy life more – when you leave the cleaning to us! Click here for our easy Estimate request form.