The State of Indoor Air Quality

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) tells us that indoor air quality is several times worse than
outdoor air!

We, as your cleaner, can help by taking some relatively simple steps.

Here’s how:

Reducing Use of Asthma Triggers

First, many household cleaning agents can be asthma triggers. Even so-called “green” cleaning agents
can have ingredients that affect many people, triggering asthma or allergic reactions. Many natural
products contain enzymes, natural chemicals that digest fats, proteins or carbohydrates. I don’t know
about you, but I am not comfortable with the thought of these chemicals getting into my lungs. After
all, they digest proteins, fats. etc. By eliminating or severely restricting the use of any cleaning agents
other than water, chemical-free cleaning (CFC) virtually eliminates this source of indoor air pollution.
This does not mean failing to clean nor does it mean using only “natural” cleaning products. We also
want to acknowledge that chemicals have their place, but are far too often overused both by the public
and by professional cleaners.

Other allergens can also be greatly reduced.

The Invisible Enemy

Most of the allergens that drive our sinuses crazy, such as pollen, pet dander, dust mite feces, etc. are
smaller than 50 microns. A fifty micron size particle is just about the smallest particle the unaided
eye can see. Thus, it is the dirt we do not see that causes the most problems . The most dangerous
particles are under 10 microns, with the majority between 1 and 10 microns. The best way of capturing
these allergens is by vacuum, but standard vacuums often don’t filter below 7 or 8 microns, thus
throwing the vacuumed allergens right back into the air. Even many “HEPA” filter vacuums are nowhere
near true “HEPA” as a system, because a substantial amount of unfiltered air leaks around the filter.

Special High Efficiency Vacuums

To help protect your family’s health, we recommend using special high efficiency vacuums, rated 99.9
percent effective down to 1-micron-sized particles, that will securely capture the vast majority of

Together, chemical free cleaning and high-efficiency vacuums can go a long way to improve your home’s
indoor air quality.